New Project: Revegetation of Section of Hindmarsh River trail
Rotary Victor Harbor has been successful in gaining a Grass Roots Grant from the Hills and Fleurieu Landscape Board to:
- Clear weeds and pest animals from an identified section of the bank of the Hindmarsh River.
- Revegetate with native plants
- Monitor the bird and invertebrate population in this section, particularly the endangered Black Chinned Honeyeater
- Provide enhanced habitat area for the Black Chinned Honeyeater by planting preferred plants
- Rotary volunteers will provide ongoing monitoring of the health of the native vegetation, including watering and weeding
This grant will fund the purchase of the native plants and some weeding.
The members of Rotary Victor Harbor will provide the labour and enthusiasm to make the Hindmarsh River trail a wonderful experience of interaction with the native fauna and flora of our region for locals and visiting walkers.
It is anticipated the project will be completed by July 2021.