Rotarians and their families volunteer their time to ensure the Victor Harbor Art Show runs smoothly every year, now in it’s 45th year.
Incoming President Julie Irwin Addresses The Club
On Wednesday evening Rotary Victor Harbor held its first dinner meeting following the COVID-19 restrictions. Incoming President Julie Irwin addressed the members and set out her plans for the coming year.
Her year as President will be a busy one with many community-led projects and fund raising events planned, making it a year to remember in more ways than one, as Julie’s overriding request to members is to make it fun!
Members Drive Patients Thru Medi Ride Scheme
Members of Rotary Victor Harbor have signed up to help transport patients from their homes to hospitals and other medical appointments in a City of Victor Harbor Council Scheme. This service is run jointly between Southern Communities Transport Scheme and Medi Ride who combine to help those in need attend important medical appointments when they have no other means of getting there by themselves.
Club member Neville Willis has been driving people for over 20 years, and recently 3 new members have joined him, they are President Marty Alsford, President Elect Julie Irwin, and Rotarian Peter Morison.
They are seen here standing by the bus in which they all successfully drove to pass the required driving examination, the Volunteer Driver Assessment Test.
We Welcome New Member, Mark
On Wed 3 June 2020 President Marty Alsford welcomed Mark Irwin into our club. Mark was inducted via a club Zoom meeting and comes to us with a wealth of new skills and is keen help out with many club and community projects.
President Elect visits Las Vegas Rotary
Kings Beach Viewing Platform Being Built
Watch the The Kings Beach viewing platform take shape as it is built this week – 22 – 29 February 2020. Project leader Rotarian, Malcolm Menadue, said: ‘The deck will be a great asset for the area and tourists alike………. and a great achievement for our Club.‘
Coffee n’Chat
This Wednesday, 29 January, join us for Coffee and Chat at:
The Boulevard Cafe on the Lake
…at the usual time of 10am.
Pop along if you’re free and meet up with some friendly faces over a cup of tea or coffee ☕️ ??
Coffee n’ Chat
Wednesday – 15 January we will be meeting for our fortnightly Morning Coffee in the Art Show marquee on Warland Reserve Victor Harbor, from 10am. Coffee and biscuits can be purchased from our resident Barista and you may even get inspired to buy a painting 🙂
Rotary International Conference 2020
Location – Hawaii, USA
Dates: June 6th – 10th 2020
Prices: Cost to attend conference if registered before 31st March – $550
Click on the following link to access info:
10 June 2020: Last day for online registration – price then $650
Rotary District Conference 2020
Rotary 9520 District Conference
Theme is Connect Country to City
Dates 26th Match to & including 29th March in Mildura – $265pp
Click the following link to access information: