Bradleys Place working bee

15 members and partners helped move 15 cubic metres of accredited soft fall mulch donated by Wade and Sarah Haythorpe from Strathalbyn Hire & Landscape Supplies from the driveway to the playground area at Childhood Cancers Bradley’s Place. This is the final stage to make the area a safe environment for families to enjoy their time away from treatment for cancer.

We welcome new members to the club

At the last dinner meeting the club inducted two members. John Swincer is a new member introduced to the club by Mark Sheilds will be a great asset to the club and Lynda Hamilton has come back after working in Broken Hill.


President John Cunningham welcoming to the club Lynda Hamilton and John Swincer


Clubs 70th Birthday Celebration

On Wednesday November 15 the club celebrated its 70th year of serving the local, national and international communities. Held in the Grovesnor Hotel, which was the same venue of the clubs first meeting in 1947, with about 80 past, present Rotarians and special guests the night was a truly rememberable night with a message from the President of Rotary Internaitonal and a video of the first meeting held in 1947. We reconised our members who have been in the club over 25 years, inducted a new member and presented a Paul Harris Fellow to past member Romaine Dawson.


The Rotary Club of Victor Harbor membership, are a group of like-minded men and women whom have gathered together under the banner of Rotary International to tirelessly support the community.  In conjunction with the tasks and ventures pursued, the great enjoyment of fellowship is experienced by all concerned, with many great life-long friendships created.

Rotarians are members of a Rotary Club whom serve the community and most importantly enjoy the experience and the fellowship and interaction of the other members of their local and world-wide organization.

The many varied life time experiences and great personalities brought together, ensures a broad coverage of community projects can be supported, and then progressed.

Rotary as an organization over the past years has also had its challenges, and it is great to see that as an organization, we are growing with the times and attracting new younger enthusiastic Rotarians which is fantastic, and with their input, experience the new ideas brought forward.

The Rotary Club of Victor Harbor as a community focused group, over the many years, have been extremely active in the Fleurieu district and been very successful.

2018 Art Show Naming Rights Sponsors Night

After 17 years  sponsoring the Rotary Club of Victor Harbor Art Show the naming rights of the 2018 Art Show went to Thomas & MacKay Optometrists. Andrew and Janet were estatic with the win who are proud to be part of a great community event.

Chairperson of the art show committee Sue Ellers said the naming rights dinner was a good night and is an opportunity to unite businesses that support the art show.

“The sponsors provide $12,500 to the winning artists and this prize money attracts the quality paintings which we see on display each year,” Sue said.

“We thanks our sponsors so much and the funds raised from the art show all go to community projects.

“They include funds to the Victor Harbor Men’s Shed, Childhood Cancers Bradley’s House which is a holiday getaway for children and families suffering from cancer and assisting students to continue tertiary studies.”

The art show will be held from January 12 to 20, 2018 and is an iconic and historic event for Victor Harbor.

Art Show Chairperson Sue Ellers, Andrew and Janet Thomas and Club President John Cunningham at the sponsors night dinner last Wednesday night.

District Governors Visit

Rotary District Governor

Bob Cooper and his wife Marilyn visited the club to show us his vision for the upcoming Rotary year and to pass on messages from Rotary International.

The  same night we welcomed new member Paul Taylor with his wife Judy who have moved from Renmark. Paul was a member of the Rotary Club of Renmark for 6 years being President and holding chairs in Membership and Public Relations.


2017 / 2018 Changeover Dinner

Changeover 047

Andrew Robertson handed over the club’s presidency to John Cunningham (left) at our changeover dinner last night Friday June 30. It was a great night with 62 Rotarians, partners and guests attending at the Victor Harbor Yacht Club. Mark Cox did a great job being MC as he has only been in  Rotary for only 6 months and Sargeant Jeff did a ripping job with the fines.


The new board members were introduced at the dinner