Our Community

For more than 77 years the Rotary Victor Harbor has been helping the local community to become a better place to live in. Through many different small projects which we call working bees members and friends have gathered together to paint, garden, clear up, build or update a space or building to make it safer and more appealing to those who use it.

Bradley’s Place

One such example of this action is at Bradley’s Place where our club has held many working bees to help create a peaceful haven away from the stresses and demands that come with having a child with cancer, or loosing a child to this terrible disease. Bradley’s Place is owned and managed by the Childhood Cancer Association Inc. https://childhoodcancer.asn.au/latest/2021/4/welcome-to-bradleys-place/

Bradley’s Place at Lower Inman Valley is located close to great beaches, Victor Harbor, Granite Island and Urimbirra Wildlife Park – all within reasonable proximity to Adelaide.

This purpose-built holiday home is named after one of Neil and Robyn Walker’s four-year-old twins, Bradley, who died from cancer in 1991.

Through their experience, Neil and Robyn appreciated how important a support network was and they became actively involved in fundraising for the Childhood Cancer Association.

Their hard work paid off, as they were able to build and donate Bradley’s Place in 2004 for families, just like theirs, to use.

This special place has become a peaceful haven away from some of the stresses and demands that come with this life-changing illness.

On Sat 27 June, members of the club’s Community Committee and friends created a new playground for visiting guests staying at Bradley’s Place to use – 27 June 2019

Members Drive Patients Thru Medi Ride Scheme

Members of Rotary Victor Harbor have signed up to help transport patients from their homes to hospitals and other medical appointments in a City of Victor Harbor Council Scheme. This service is run jointly between Southern Communities Transport Scheme and Medi Ride who combine to help those in need attend important medical appointments when they have no other means of getting there by themselves. Club member Neville Willis has been driving people for over 20 years, and recently 3 new members have joined him, they are Past President Marty Alsford, Past President Julie Irwin.
They can be seen here standing by the bus in which they all successfully drove to pass the required driving examination, the Volunteer Driver Assessment Test.

Rotarians Peter Morison, Marty Alsford and Immediate Past President Julie Irwin, stand proudly by the bus which was donated by Rotary Victor Harbor – June 2020

Community Fundraising

A Staggering $2.0 million has been donated by our club in the last 38 years. See below the extensive list of local organisations which have benefitted from our club’s extensive fundraising activities.