Rotarians and their families volunteer their time to ensure the Victor Harbor Art Show runs smoothly every year, now in it’s 46th year.
Kings Beach Viewing Platform

Proposed Viewing Deck

In March this year, the Australian Government through the Building Better Regions Fund provided a grant to the Rotary Club of Victor Harbor. The aims of this grant are to provide funding to regional organisations with projects that will increase economic opportunities, to create local jobs and business development opportunities for regions such as Victor Harbor. Victor Harbor will see long term benefits to the business and tourism sector of collaborative and innovative projects such as this.

Rotary Club of Victor Harbor submitted a proposal to build a viewing platform at the end of Kings Beach Rd and was successful in gaining $35,000 to fund part of the project with the Club matching that amount as well as providing in kind volunteer support. This project will meet the aims of the grant by providing an opportunity for a local business to build the facility thus supporting local jobs and keeping money in the community.

The proposed viewing deck with space for up to 40 people, a picnic table and seating for 10 will be valuable infrastructure adding to the attraction of our coast line for tourists, especially during whale watching season, for dedicated bird watchers who monitor seabirds and for Heysen Trail users who may take a break on their trek and enjoy the view. Revegetation of the surrounds and removal of weeds will enhance the natural beauty of this part of our coast that has views to match any other coastline in Australia. The viewing deck will be constructed of long lasting recyclable material and have a disabled access ramp along with updated signage highlighting the economic and natural history of the coast. Council approval has now been granted and the construction is scheduled to commence mid February 2020. The builder is Bailey Homes.
The Rotary Club of Victor Harbor has a long held reputation for delivering quality projects for the community using the expertise and enthusiasm of members and their partners. With money raised from the annual Rotary Victor Harbor Art Show, community BBQ days and other activities, the community can be assured that the funds are going back into Victor Harbor in a way that benefits us all.
Creative Art Work
A suggestion has been made that some ARTWORK be placed on the front or seaside of the deck which will be visible to people walking passed.
It would nice if the artwork could reflect the significance of the location i.e. indigenous, historical and whaling aspects to further link the project with the coast line where the platform will sit.
Some ideas so far are that it could be a Rusting iron type work or Mural or other painting or sculpture. Please email the committee chair – Malcolm Menadue at with ideas or if you would like to submit some art to be placed onto the viewing platform.

Further Information
Further information and to express an interest in the construction of the viewing platform, local businesses are encouraged to email the Rotary Club of Victor Harbor or contact club secretary David Elliott on 0418 855 487.